You recently learned how erectile dysfunction can make your penis appear smaller. But that really isn’t the main issue with ED. Neither is the inability to maintain an erection.
The real problem is that ED is primarily a vascular issue. Things like plaque deposits on the arterial walls, poor blood viscosity, blocked arteries and high blood pressure can all contribute to it. These are the same vascular complications that result in heart attacks, strokes and heart disease.
The thing is, the blood vessels in the penis are narrower in diameter than in other parts of the body. So, if your arteries are beginning to clog due to vascular disease, the penis is one of the first places you’ll notice a problem.
So ED is a much bigger problem than frustration in the bedroom.
For example, a recent study found that men with ED are nearly twice as likely to have a heart attack, stroke or heart-related death over the next four years compared to men without it.
That means instead of tackling the ED issue, men need to get serious about their cardiovascular health. Because when you’ve got great blood flow throughout your entire body, issues in the bedroom will disappear on their own.
The Diet that Fights Erectile Dysfunction
I can’t emphasize enough how important your diet is to vascular health and blood flow. The research is overwhelming: A mostly plant-based diet, like a Mediterranean style diet, works wonders. And there is no lack of data showing the effects of eating this way.
Consider men who have high blood pressure along with erectile dysfunction. We already know that the more closely these men eat like a Mediterranean, the better their blood flow and blood pressure. But it doesn’t end there. They also have lower arterial stiffness, higher testosterone and better erectile performance.
And study after study shows that sticking with more of a plant-based diet improves all levels of cardiovascular health, metabolic health and helps with weight loss. And all of those things are going to have a role in your erectile function.
So switching to a Mediterranean way of eating makes good sense.
Vegetables, fruits, nuts, beans, seeds, herbs, spices and olive oil are the foundation of the diet. Fish, seafood and poultry are consumed moderately a few times a week. Red meat consumption is infrequent and only in small amounts. Sweets are eaten only occasionally.
To eat like a Mediterranean, just follow these simple steps:
Fill your plate with veggies. Choose from all colors of the rainbow. You might sauté some broccoli with carrots, baby corn, red bell pepper and yellow onion in a little extra virgin olive oil. Bake a casserole with a mix of veggies like zucchini, red potatoes, carrots, purple onion and green peppers. There are a lot of great ways to mix and match for the greatest variety of color.
Add your protein. Opt for plant-based proteins like beans, lentils, nuts or seeds on most days of the week. But it’s okay to enjoy wild-caught seafood a few times a week. Just try to avoid high mercury options like tuna, yellowtail, sea bass, bluefin, and one of the worst offenders…swordfish. Grass-fed meat or pasture raised poultry are okay on an occasional basis.
Spice it up. Garlic is great for your circulation. Turmeric, the spice that’s used to make Indian curry, contains a natural anti-inflammatory called curcumin. But there is no shortage of herbs and spices available. You’ve got cayenne pepper, cilantro, cumin, ginger, parsley and so much more! Use them liberally.
More fruit, less sugar. Once the dinner plates are cleared, enjoy a fruity dessert. It can be as simple as an apple or a pear – or both. Or it can be a citrus salad, a melon salad or a kiwi and banana salad. Or maybe something more complex, like a mango sorbet or stewed apples with cinnamon and ginger.
Get creative and the possibilities are endless.
How to Shop for a Plant-Based Diet
Buy organic whenever possible, and just have fun with it. I love to explore the produce sections at the grocery store, Sprouts and Whole foods.
Try it out. Just take a tour through the aisles and try a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. Pick up something you’ve never eaten before and give it a try. You can find recipes easily these days with a quick Google search.
Or you can head to someplace like Costco like I do. They have delicious sautéed and grilled vegetables marinated in olive oil and sold in jars.
While you’re exploring this way of eating, remember to watch out for plant-based junk food. Just because something is labeled as healthy, it doesn’t mean it needs to pass your lips.
A perfect example is the vegan Impossible Burger, which is filled with soy protein concentrates and isolates. Things like veggie fries and veggie tots aren’t any better.
And by the way. Men who are more physically fit and have greater exercise capacity have more flexible arteries, better circulation and higher testosterone levels. So don’t forget the importance of staying active as you age.
Kirby M, Jackson G, Simonsen U. Endothelial dysfunction links erectile dysfunction to heart disease. Int J Clin Pract. 2005 Feb;59(2):225-9.
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Mediterranean diet shows promise in men with erectile dysfunction. Press Release. European Society of Cardiology. Aug 2021.
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