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How High Blood Pressure Affects Your Kidneys

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

Here’s a number that will knock your socks off. About half of all U.S. adults – 116 million of us – have high blood pressure.

Good grief! That’s one out of every two people! It’s no wonder blood pressure meds are taken by so many people.

These medications can be a lifesaver when used properly. But they shouldn’t be used long-term as your primary source of blood pressure control. Just like most prescription meds, they come with their own set of problems.

High Blood Sugar Could be Harming Your Muscles

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

Two of the main reasons people avoid sugary foods is to minimize weight gain and maintain healthy blood glucose levels.

What most people don’t realize is that sugar isn’t the only type of food that interferes with your weight and blood sugar.

Let’s say you gave up donuts. We all know they’re loaded with sugar. Then dipped in more sugar. And then topped with more sugar. So giving donuts up is a great place to start.

Easy way to improve bone health

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

As we age, we reach the point where old bone breaks down faster than it’s being replaced. The result is osteoporosis… weak, brittle bones that break and fracture easily. And it’s not just women who are affected.

Around one in three men over the age of 50 already have low bone mass density. And by age 75, their risk of a hip fracture increases rapidly.

What can you do about it?

These Foods are a Breast Cancer Survivor’s Best Friends

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

The biggest fear for women who have survived breast cancer is that it will come back. This is a threat that survivors of all types of cancer face every day.

Sadly, there is no silver bullet to prevent recurrence. However there are things you can do in your life to help lower your risk. You probably already know that weight loss, stress reduction, plenty of physical activity and a healthy diet can all go a long way toward helping you remain cancer free.

But you may not be aware of a few specific foods that can have a big impact on your life when it comes to remaining cancer free.

What if You Didn’t have an Age?

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

When people reach a certain age, they often think it’s too late to make changes IN their lives that will make a noticeable difference. It’s like they think they have a “best before date” stamped on their foreheads.

But what if you didn’t have an age… didn’t know how old you were? Would that make a difference?

One of my favorite stories is the one of Geraldine Shepherd. She never performed a lick of exercise until she was nearing 60 years of age. Then she became active and started going to the gym. At the same time, she began avoiding foods like beef, processed carbs, foods with preservatives, junk food and sweets.

The Best Kind of Music to Improve Dementia

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

Isn’t it odd how you can hear a song from a single moment in your life, and immediately be transported back into the memory of that place and time? We remember clearly who we were with… what we were doing… how we were feeling. We remember clearly who we were with… what we were doing… how we were feeling.

Music punctuates so many events in our lives.

  • It can be as simple as hearing “We are the Champions” and remembering watching from the stands as your favorite sports team brought home the trophy.
  • It might be as heartfelt as listening to “Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy” and conjuring up your children’s wide eyes on that perfect Christmas morning.
  • Or it could be as silly as catching the reggae sound of “Feeling Hot, Hot, Hot” and recalling how much fun you had when you vigorously danced to it on your first cruise.
  • … and everything else in between!

Why You Get Dizzy When You Stand Up

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

Do you ever have that weird thing happen where you stand up and get dizzy? A lot of people think it’s because they stood up too fast. But it’s really more a function of your blood flow.

When you sit for a while, gravity causes blood to pool in your legs and feet. Then, when you stand up, more of it flows downward and you briefly have a reduced amount of blood available to your heart in the upper body. So it’s basically a form of low blood pressure that happens when you stand up.

It’s not uncommon. There’s even an official name for it. It’s called “orthostatic hypotension.”

Are Raw Food Diets All They’re Cracked Up to Be?

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

I know people who have tried to go on a raw food diet. And I realize how appealing the concept is. It sounds so “clean” to get living food enzymes and nutrients from raw food. And it is!

Raw fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds are loaded with digestive enzymes and antioxidants. When you eat raw, organic vegetables instead of those that are cooked, you get more firm fiber, which is going to make your gut microbiome healthier.

This makes a raw diet especially appealing if you need to lose weight, since fiber can help you feel full longer so that you eat less. And a more balanced microbiome is great for your health.

Top Foods to Starve Cancer Cells

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

  • Foods that fuel the growth of cancer cells
  • …and foods that starve them
  • Plus! 3 more ways to beat the Big C

These days we hear a lot about the “fight against cancer.” I agree that we should do everything we can to fight this deadly disease. But I also think we should be doing even more to prevent cancer in the first place.

How to Stop Dreading Your Colonoscopy

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

  • Best-kept natural medicine secrets to cleanse your colon
  • How to make the most of your colonoscopy experience
  • An often-overlooked consideration

There are few tests that make patients roll their eyes and groan as much as the mention of the dreaded colonoscopy. We’ve all heard the horror stories.

Dangers of Hair Dye

By Bonnie Jenkins, Advanced Natural Wellness

Gray isn’t my favorite color, especially when it’s on my head. Sure, I tried yanking out the occasional gray hair during my thirty-something years. But by the time I reached my forties, it was becoming increasingly hard to keep up. So, like many other middle-aged women, I decided to dye my hair.

Fortunately, I hated the results. My hair looked flat and anything but natural. Instead of the golden highlights I used to have, the reflection in the mirror showed a head-full of a monochromatic brown.

Why was that fortunate? Because new research shows that the repeated use of hair dye can significantly increase your risk for developing one particularly deadly form of cancer.

Cranberries Boost Prostate Health

By David Blyweiss, M.D.

If you’ve ever had a urinary tract infection, I’m sure you’re familiar with the healing effects of cranberries. But here’s something you may not know. It turns out that the protective effects of cranberries may also extend to men’s prostates.

Can Statins Really Unclog Your Arteries?

By David Blyweiss, M.D.

There’s a lot of hype about statin drugs these days. The most recent is about their supposed ability to unclog your arteries and prevent heart attacks. And the two biggest proponents of this “benefit” are the pharmaceutical giants who make the prescription drugs Zetia and Vytorin. According to Merck and Schering-Plough, these two cholesterol-lowering drugs reduce both plaque and inflammation in the arteries. The problem is, it just isn’t true!

Ejaculation May Help The Prostate

OK men, listen up! Sex is good for your prostate. That’s not a moral judgement. It’s a medical one – at least according to a new study in The Journal of the American Medical Association.

For years, doctors were firmly convinced that frequent ejaculation increased a man’s risk for prostate cancer. But new research from Harvard and the National Cancer Institute promptly turned that old adage on its head when it found that ejaculating may actually help protect the prostate.

In fact, men who ejaculated most often actually had a 33 percent lower lifetime risk of prostate cancer, and this relationship just grew stronger as men grew older!

Men: Get That Urine Flowing Again!

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

  • Can you fix this plumbing problem?
  • Don’t buy into this form of chemical castration
  • 5 natural herbs for a stronger urine flow

We men have a serious plumbing problem. Our urine comes out of a urethra that’s just about the width of a toothpick.

That’s not a lot of space to pass huge amounts of liquid through, but it seems to work well enough… until you have an enlarged prostate. Then it can become a pretty serious problem. And it’s one most men don’t know how to fix.