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Alzheimer’s: It’s Not the Amyloid, It’s the Inflammation

When talking about Alzheimer’s, medical professionals often refer to amyloid plaques. The common belief is that these are the underlying cause of the disease – and that if you get rid of them, you’ll be cured. But that theory has been proven wrong, over and over again. First off, every time they’ve developed a drug […]

A Sure Sign You have Osteoporosis

The Incredible Shrinking Man isn’t just the title of an old science fiction movie. It’s also a reality. We shrink as we age. Starting at about age 40, most people tend to lose about a quarter to a half inch of height each decade. Part of the reason is because of the gel-like cushions between […]

3 Heart Tests More Important than LDL Cholesterol

When it comes to cholesterol, mainstream medicine has it all wrong. LDL cholesterol isn’t the “bad guy”. In fact, it’s not even cholesterol. Neither is HDL. People don’t get that. You ask them what their cholesterol is and they say “Oh, my HDL is this or my LDL is that.” Those things are not cholesterol. […]

How a B12 Deficiency Can Mimic Old Age

Did you know that being over 65 years of age is a risk factor for vitamin B12 deficiency? It’s true. But most mainstream doctors don’t really know how to diagnose it. That’s because they receive very little training on nutrition – generally less than 20 hours of nutrition instruction during their entire time at medical […]

Can Oxygen Therapy Shut Down Disease and Aging?

Back in 1931 doctor Otto Warburg, M.D. won the Nobel Prize in medicine. He was a German Jew in pre-World War II Nazi Germany. So it must have been a difficult decision to award it to him. But they had to, because he was the first to recognize the metabolism of cancer. He discovered that […]

What is Dead Butt Syndrome… And Do You Have It?

Dead butt syndrome. It sounds like the punch line of a bad joke. In fact, you’re probably already rolling your eyes and thinking, “Come on Doc, give me a break! There’s no such thing.” Actually, there is… kind of. Some experts are calling it gluteal amnesia. Others call it sleepy glutes. But “dead butt syndrome” […]

Varicose Veins Aren’t a Cosmetic Issue – They’re a Health Problem

If you have varicose veins, you know how unattractive they can make you feel. These dark, twisted and bulging veins aren’t a pretty sight. Of course, the cosmetics industry sees this as a beauty issue. They are constantly peddling a new cream, ointment or mud pack that promises to erase those unsightly veins forever. Well, […]

Can Antibiotics Cause IBD?

With all we know about antibiotic resistance these days, you would think the use of these drugs would be more closely monitored. Well, a May 2024 study indicates otherwise. The researchers tracked more than 152 million visits to emergency rooms that resulted in one or more antibiotic prescriptions and compared them against diagnosis codes. Their […]

Can Personalized DNA-Based Diets Help You Lose Weight?

Dieting doesn’t work the same for everyone. Some people swear that Keto is the best. Others will tell you vegan is the way to go. There’s Pegan, paleo, Atkins or The Zone. You name it, and it worked for somebody. We are all so different that it makes perfect sense that there is not a […]

5 Delicious, Nutritious and Super-Charged Food Pairings for You

Meeting our nutritional goals these days can be tough, even when we eat a relatively healthy diet. That’s because modern day agricultural practices now dominate our natural food supply; our fruits, vegetables and other plant-based foods. And it has stripped so many of these foods of their high nutrient profiles. How did this happen?

5 Ways to Fight Chronic Inflammation… And Win!

Chronic, low level inflammation is like a plague these days. Nearly everyone has it, nobody wants it, and it is the underlying cause of nearly all of today’s biggest health threats. I’m talking about heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, cancer and more. But it’s not always unhealthy lifestyle choices that promote this problem. Sometimes my […]

Want Fewer Microplastics in Your Body?

We’ve known about microplastics for a while. We hear about how prevalent they are in water and other products sold or stored in plastic bottles, storage containers and wraps. But they are found in other places, too. They are in your tap water, fish and shellfish, and meat products produced from commercial livestock. There is […]

What’s So Special About Omega-3 Fatty Acids?

Up until around 50 years ago, we didn’t know much of anything about omega-3 fatty acids. The big breakthrough didn’t come until 1971. That’s when researchers compared the eating patterns of Eskimos and Danish people up in Greenland. What they learned is that the Eskimos had much lower rates of heart disease and a complete […]

The Quickest and Easiest Solution for Dry Eyes

Between all of the daily tasks I have to complete using my computer, tablet and phone, my eyes often feel like they are taking a beating. By the end of the day, it is not uncommon for my eyes to feel dry, gritty and itchy. This is pretty common for anyone who uses electronic devices […]

How We Were Designed to Stay Active as We Age

In the August 19, 2024 issue of Advanced Natural Wellness, you learned some surprising facts about age-related muscle wasting, or sarcopenia. You don’t have to be old to start experience symptoms; and you might not even look like you are losing strength and muscle mass. To top it off, we’ve been raised with the idea […]

Will THIS Trigger Heartburn?

Heartburn can be a scary thing. That’s because it feels like the pain and burning is coming from your heart. Even the name, “heartburn,” suggests that it is heart-related. Thankfully, that is not the case. Rather, the sensation of heartburn occurs when stomach acids back up into your esophagus. This is known as acid reflux, […]

This Will Make You Want to Brush Your Teeth!

It’s no secret that dental plaque, oral bacteria and gum disease can affect your heart health. For many years now there has been a link between what’s happening in your mouth and your risk of cardiovascular disease. It all starts off with a buildup of dental plaque. When the plaque and bacteria escape into your […]

The Surprising Thing About Age-Related Muscle Loss

As we humans grow older, we tend to lose lean muscle mass and strength. The medical name for it is sarcopenia. It brings to mind images of those frail, thin, older adults that we often see at the grocery store… or the ones tottering between family members as they are guided to a table in […]

Why Everyone Needs to Have More Sex

Sex does a lot of good things for people. Everyone needs to have the feeling that happens during climax – that dopamine release. This pleasure chemical is responsible for the euphoria and satisfaction that floods through the body during the “big event.” But that wonderful feeling isn’t the only thing that happens.

Weird Test May Reveal Arterial Stiffness

As we grow older, a strange thing happens to our arteries. They start stiffening up. The older we get, the stiffer they seem to become. And unlike so many common health issues today, age is by far the major force behind this phenomenon. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t other contributing factors that are directly […]

Probiotics are Just One Piece of the Puzzle

There is a lot of confusion about prebiotics and probiotics. And then there is another type “biotic” altogether, called postbiotics, that most people don’t even know about. What are they? Where do they come from? How are they different from one another? Let’s start with the basics. Probiotics are live bacteria that add to the […]

Gut Microbiome Linked to How Well We Handle Stress

The microbes in your gut aren’t just a bunch of bacteria that help break down and digest the foods you eat. They also “talk” to your brain. This phenomenon is called the microbiota gut-brain axis. Basically, it’s the ability your gut bacteria have to activate signals to your brain. This means your brain tunes into […]

Nutrients for Thicker and Fuller Hair

Patients with hair that is unhealthy or thinning often ask me if they should take a “hair supplement.” Some of these men and women have already tried these types of supplements with little success. Others swear by them. Well, I’m going to give it to you straight. There are a lot of reasons for hair […]

The Older You Get, The More Protein You Need

The older you get, the more protein you need. And it’s not just about maintaining muscle strength. Protein also helps build strong bones, skin and hair. It aids digestion and has an important role in the regulation of hormones. So protein is definitely an important part of your diet. But there is a problem…

Age Discrimination in Healthcare – Fight For Your Rights!

You’ve got a sharp ache in your lower back that you’ve never had before, so you head to the doc. He pokes and prods, then pats you on the arm and says, “You’re just getting older. You can expect to start feeling more unusual aches and pains than you used to.” Don’t you just want […]

Walk Away Your Back Pain

There’s an old joke that goes something like this… The patient says, “Hey, Doc! It hurts whenever I do this.” The doctor replies. “Then stop doing that!” This little comedy routine has absolutely no relevance to real life, yet many people take it to heart. It is something that has plagued me during my entire […]

Health Risks that Increase on Hot Summer Days

Hot Summer Day

Just a few days ago we talked about the dangers of polypharmacy – taking five or more medications on a regular basis. As a quick follow-up to that, I want to alert you about how high summer temperatures – which are affecting most of the U.S. right now – can influence the way certain medications […]

Are You Over-Prescribed?

In the June 3rd issue of Advanced Natural Wellness you learned about four types of medications that are dangerous for aging adults. The list included non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), anticholinergic medications, acid reducers and muscle relaxers. But there is a much larger problem when it comes to medicating older patients. It’s something called polypharmacy, which […]

Allergies? Sinusitis? It Might be Your House.

Whenever I am a couple of weeks late changing the HEPA filters in my ionizers, they become especially filthy. They come out covered in a black, grimy fuzz and are thoroughly disgusting. Where the heck does this stuff come from? In my case, it’s probably because I live in a flight path. Every day when […]

Slow Chewers Burn More Calories

People spend a lot of time thinking about food, cooking food and eating food. But they very seldom put very much emphasis on chewing their food. Just think about how long it takes to create perfectly smoked baby-back ribs or beef brisket for summer holidays. Nearly all day, right? But how soon is it over […]

Do You Suffer from the Summer Time Blues?

When I was a teenager, AM radio stations blasted the summer season over the airwaves with regular frequency. “It’s summertime summertime sum sum summertime.” I loved it! School was out. I had a full three or four months of freedom. (And rest assured, I always made the most of it.) Even though I live in […]

These Statins Go Hand-In-Hand with Dementia

Ask anybody you know what they think the biggest threat to their heart health is. I’ll bet the large majority of them will say high cholesterol. This makes statin drugs sound appealing; and makes a lot of people extremely willing to take them. And sure, statins really DO decrease LDL cholesterol. But there are probably […]

A Guide to Your First Colonoscopy

I remember my first colonoscopy clearly. I laid down on the table to get prepped for the procedure… Then, I opened my eyes, looked at the IV nurse, and said, “Okay, I’m ready.” She just looked down at me and said, “Honey, you’re done!” Wow! That was quick and easy. Thinking back, it really wasn’t […]

Artificial Sweeteners Linked to AFib, Heart Attack and Stroke

The safety of consuming artificial sweeteners has taken a BIG hit this year. I’ve warned you about them in the past. Despite marketing claims, they contribute to a larger waistline and the development of metabolic disorders like diabetes. Many artificial sweeteners are neurotoxins. They over stimulate neuron receptors which, over time, destroys brain cells. They […]

Cracking the Code on Unhealthy Food Cravings

Do you have a hankering for something salty or fatty? Are you yearning for something sugary? It’s easy enough to grab a bag of chips, a slice of pizza, soda or candy bar to satisfy whatever desire you have. And to tell the truth, an occasional treat is no cause for concern. Almost everyone has […]

Best High Fiber Foods to Get Your Bowels Moving

Everybody seems to think whole grains are the best high fiber foods to get their bowels moving. They eat them constantly and hope they will instantly relieve the constipation that often plagues adults, both young and old. So these foods fly off the racks of grocer’s shelves, whether they are in the form of bread, […]

Should You be Drinking Coffee?

What’s the deal with the high amounts of caffeine in coffee? Is it good for you, or is it bad for you? The consensus is not cut and dried, and I will explain why in a moment. First, let me share some of the great things that can happen when you drink a cup or […]

It’s Time to Go Nuts for Nuts!

Fats are one of the most misunderstood food groups when it comes to health and weight. These days many people think anything that isn’t labelled “no fat” or “low fat” is unhealthy and fattening. Nuts are a great example of this. Study after study shows that people aren’t eating the recommended 1- to 1.5-ounces of […]

Is it Possible to Eat Too Much Sushi?

Sushi isn’t one of my “go-to” foods, but I get the appeal. Fish is a low-calorie source of protein and packed with healthy omega-3 fats that promote good health. Roll it together with rice, seaweed and veggies, and you’ve got your proteins, fats and carbs all prepared in convenient bite sized pieces. It’s a light […]

CAUTION! 4 Types of Meds That Can Be Dangerous for Aging Adults

At last count, a whopping 85% of U.S. adults over the age of 59 reported taking prescription drugs. And about a third of those in their 60’s and 70’s said they were taking five or more prescription meds on a regular basis. Mix that with all of the over-the-counter (OTC) pills older adults take these […]

You Can Have Your Eggs – and Eat Them Too!

On March 19, 2024, you learned the difference between cage-free, free range, organic and pastured eggs. Since then, I’ve received several emails asking me what the REAL SITUATION with eggs is. Are they truly safe? Can I eat them without worry? Why do some experts say they are part of a healthy diet – and […]

5 Must-Have Supplements for Your Aging Heart

Back in the 1960’s and 70’s, people had no idea what to do to prevent heart disease. But these days? Thanks to the Internet, pretty much everyone knows the secret… Don’t smoke, eat healthy foods, get regular physical activity, avoid processed foods, slack off on hard alcohol, and watch your sodium intake. There are even […]

9 Out of Every 10 People Aren’t Eating Enough of These

When I was a kid, I wasn’t allowed to leave the table until I ate all of my vegetables. “They’re good for you!” my Mom would exclaim. The problem was, she didn’t know how to cook them. Broccoli and cauliflower were soggy masses of florets that had been boiled to death. Asparagus turned into a […]

Plant-Based Meat Alternatives: Healthy Choice or Veggie Junk Food?

Everyone loves the idea of eating a mostly plant-based diet. It’s healthy. It’s wholesome. It’s just downright good for you! Whole, plant-based foods are great for your heart, blood pressure, metabolism and memory. They protect against age-related health conditions, and can work wonders for your waistline. But there is a huge difference between the health […]

The Weird Link Between Mouthwash and Diabetes

What kind of mouthwash do you use? There are so many choices these days and the claims are hard to know which one to choose. All of them promise to give you sweet-smelling breath. Some state that they’ll strengthen enamel. Others guarantee to whiten your teeth or pledge to kill germs that cause gum disease. […]

The Silent Disease You’ve Never Even Thought About

People have so many health concerns as they age. They worry about their hearts, memory, eyesight, weight and so much more. But when is the last time you wondered how your kidneys were doing? You really want to keep these 5-inch-long bean-shaped filters of your blood as happy as they can be. But kidney function […]

Controversy Surrounds the “Sunshine Vitamin”

A few weeks ago, I mentioned that vitamin D is necessary to regulate the absorption of calcium in your body to help keep your bones strong and healthy. But Big Pharma is trying to change the dialogue about vitamin D. One thing we are seeing are more and more reports stating that routine vitamin D […]

Could Steam Therapy Be the End of Your Prostate Problems?

Nearly all men will experience an enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia, or BPH) in their lives. At some point, they will find themselves making constant trips to the bathroom, especially at night. And it may seem that urgency is required… but when you stand over the toilet you may only be able to dribble. You […]

The Flutter and Stutter in Your Heart

Do you ever experience a weird flutter in your chest? Maybe your heartbeat feels like it skips a beat every now and then. Sometimes it might seem like it’s pounding or racing. It could even feel like your heart just performed a flip-flop. If any of these happen occasionally and is a short-lived sensation, it’s […]

Weird Music Relieves Stress and Anxiety

When I go to bed at night, I often use a sound app on my phone to help me sleep. I like to listen to cricket noises or rain. Anything from nature works. But sometimes I just want white noise. On those nights, I play an air conditioner background noise. It blocks out most other […]

Growing Epidemic Affects 40% of U.S. Population

When I first started practicing medicine, I didn’t see a lot of liver disease. When I did run across a case, it usually involved someone who was a heavy drinker. There really weren’t a lot of surprises. Sadly, this is no longer true. We are seeing more and more cases of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease […]

A Fun and Unusual Way to Walk for Your Health

Back in the 1980’s, the airwaves were filled with a song that wanted everyone to walk like an Egyptian. I never really understood the song itself, but I have to admit. All of the moves and grooves that went with it were great forms of physical activity. Anyone who wanted to participate had to raise […]

Dodging Aggressive Prostate Cancer

Back in the 1990’s and early 2000’s, men diagnosed with low-risk prostate cancer thought it was a death sentence. So they often opted to undergo immediate surgery or radiation treatments, which can both result in serious, lifelong side effects. These days, however, men are increasingly choosing not to undergo immediate treatment. Instead, they are opting […]

Dr. B’s 9 Daily Superfoods and Beverages

In the last issue of Advanced Natural Wellness, you learned how ultra-processed foods can destroy your health. On the other hand, eating a nutrient-rich diet is one of the best things you can do to increase your chances of a long and healthy life. But trying to figure out what to eat can be overwhelming. […]

Could This Be the New “Silent Killer?”

I hate walking into the grocery store. Most of the shelves are nothing but row after row of canned, processed, packaged, sweetened, and genetically modified foods filled with all sorts of things your body doesn’t know what to do with. These foods consist of sugars, fats, oils, sodium and all sorts of additives guaranteed to […]

An Incredible Source of Fiber Nobody Told You About

A large part of the carbohydrates in your diet come from starches. Potatoes, breads, pasta and rice all fall into this category. I’m not a fan of these types of starchy foods. That’s because, when you eat too many of them, they can drive your blood sugar up and lead to metabolic disorders. So these […]

6 Little-Know Threats to Your Brain Function

We all like to think that there is a single, correctable cause of disease. But the fact is, when things go wrong in the body, it’s never just one thing. And often-times, some of the things that negatively affect your health don’t even seem to have anything to do with the health condition in question. […]

4 Tips to Avoid Blood Pressure Meds

High blood pressure is subtle. You can’t see it. You can’t feel it. You can’t hear it. It can quietly damage the body for years before symptoms start showing.  And the harm it can do to your health is incredible. Heart attack, stroke, dementia, kidney damage and even sexual dysfunction. But what really causes high […]

What To Eat (And NOT) When Your Stomach Is Upset

Nobody likes the feeling of an upset stomach. The nausea, vomiting, cramping and diarrhea are miserable. And uggh! The thought of putting food into an already upset stomach sounds like a horrible idea. Just the smell of certain foods can make you feel queasy all over again. Still, there are some foods and beverages that […]

What Does it Mean When Your Knees Snap, Crackle and Pop?

Are knees that pop, creak, crunch or make grinding noises something you should be concerned about? Well, the occasional crack or pop probably isn’t anything to worry about. In most cases, that’s just gasses being released from the joint. But if one or both of your knees regularly makes rubbing, creaking and grinding sounds, it […]

Eggs: Organic, Cage-Free or Pasture-Raised?

Up until a few years ago, most folks considered eggs off-limits. If they ate them at all, they separated out the whites, and threw the most nutritious part – the yolk – into the garbage disposal. Well, now that eggs are off the hook when it comes to cholesterol and heart disease, you may be […]

Better than Butter, Margarine and Traditional Vegetable Oils

I use extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) in the majority of my meals. Not only does it have great flavor, it’s absolutely THE BEST choice for my health. Unlike margarine, butter and other saturated fats, EVOO has medicinal properties that can reduce your risk of health issues and early death. I’m talking about things like […]

Where Do Skin Conditions Like Psoriasis and Eczema Start?

Have you ever noticed that certain skin problems run in some families? Mom, Dad and the kids all seem to have the same sort of problems. Perhaps it’s life-long issues with psoriasis. Or maybe it’s eczema. There is a reason for this. In particular, family members who grow up in the same household often follow […]

Weird Signs Your Arteries May be Clogged

My father, brothers, and uncles all suffered from heart attacks. They also all had one strange physical sign – creased earlobes! Believe it or not, this is a warning sign that your arteries may be at increased risk for clogging. And there are well over 50 studies to prove it. (Look for a crease that […]

6 Day Organic Diet Lowers Glyphosate by 70%

Not long ago, four American families took part in a very revealing experiment. The families were from Atlanta, Baltimore, Minneapolis and Oakland, and each included two or three children. For the first five days, the families ate their regular diets, which consisted of non-organic foods. These are the types of food that the average American […]

5 Healthy Beverages that Aren’t Water

I’ve noticed an odd thing over the years. When it comes to choosing something to drink besides water, a lot of folks have no idea what constitutes a healthy beverage. For example, I’ve noticed that most of the “healthy” choices made by my patients include milk, juice and diet soda.

The Sweet Smell of Better Brain Function

Last month I mentioned an interesting thing about music… how certain songs can transport you back in time to a specific moment that evokes a cherished memory. Have you ever noticed that the same thing happens with certain scents and odors? It might be a whiff of perfume that suddenly brings an image of your […]

Should You Drink for Your Health?

My patients often ask me which type of alcohol is the “healthiest.” And they’re always disappointed in my answer. There is no “healthy” alcohol. “But doc,” they say. “Red wine protects your heart” … “Moderate drinking helps you live longer” …

Hope for Everyone Over the Age of 70

I love hearing about older people who have defied the myth of old age. One of my favorites is Ernestine Shepherd. When she was in her late 50’s, she looked and acted like we seem to think people approaching their 60’s should. She was overweight, had no interest in exercise, and had never worked out […]

What Can a Multivitamin Do for You?

You often hear that vitamins and other supplements are a waste of money… that following a diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables provides all the essential vitamins and minerals you need. This is a nice concept in theory, but the fact is, only one out of every 10 adults eat the recommended daily servings […]

5 Ways to Get this Rogue Anti-Nutrient Out of Your Diet

Back in 1988 a strange thing happened. A hospital launched a “Healthy Eating Day.” But shortly after enjoying the healthy lunch offered by the hospital, one of the surgical record-keepers fell ill. And before the end of the day, 10 more people who ate in the cafeteria experienced nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. What was happening? […]

Age Healthier with Plant-Based Protein

Plant-based proteins include nuts, beans and seeds.

When most people think of protein sources, their first thoughts generally run toward poultry, beef and other meat sources. Next on the list are things like eggs, milk and cheese; again from animal sources. Plant-based protein sources, like nuts or beans are never high on the list. For most folks, they aren’t even on the […]

Fun in the Bedroom is Good for Your Heart!

The topics my patients ask me about run the gamut. But the one that always surprises me the most is when patients ask if it’s still okay to have sex. This question mostly comes from men who think they’re “too old” for bedroom activity or have a heart condition. (That doesn’t mean that a fair […]

10 Instances When You Need Water the Most

When you get thirsty, there are so many choices that are tastier than water. Soda, sweetened juices, or even a beer might sound good. And sure, all of these beverages do offer some hydration. But you have to consider all of the crap found in them. Things like sugar, corn syrup, sodium, artificial sweeteners and […]

Every Day Foods that Give You Focus and Energy

Do you run out of steam before the day ends, or maybe even before it starts? If there isn’t an underlying health condition involved, there are a lot of different reasons this could happen. You might not be sleeping as well as you should. Maybe you’re not getting enough exercise. Stress can do it to […]

Frailty and Forgetfulness Are NOT Normal Outcomes of Aging

Some people think it’s “normal” to grow weak, lose weight and start moving at a snail’s pace as we grow older. That it’s “normal” to lose your mental faculties and succumb to dementia. If it’s so normal, then why are there so many active, healthy and engaged senior citizens out there? Take Norman Lear, for […]

Hoping to Avoid Knee Replacement? Try This.

Here’s a whopper of a statistic: Out of around 14 million US adults who have knee arthritis, it’s estimated that more than half of them will eventually require knee replacement surgery. Now, going through knee replacement surgery isn’t a walk in the park (no pun intended). After surgery, you literally have to learn to walk […]

The Amazing Effect Music has on Dementia

Have you ever noticed that certain songs can transport you back in time? Back to a specific moment that evokes a cherished memory? Or that you can hear a song on the radio that you haven’t listened to for 10 or 15 years and suddenly remember every word, note and nuance of it? Some music […]

20 Minutes to a Better Night’s Sleep

Sleep is one of those things a lot of people don’t get enough of. In our younger years, it just didn’t seem that important. We were too gung-ho to get as much done in a single day as we could. Who cared about sleep? But as we age, the decision to sleep or not isn’t […]

The Medicinal Benefits of Herbal Teas

I don’t think people realize that herbal teas aren’t really tea, per say. Green and black teas all come from the same Camellia sinensis plant. The difference between them comes from green tea being steamed after the leaves are harvested. This prevents oxidation and increases levels of health boosting EGCG (Epigallocatechin). Herbal teas, on the […]

Popular Weight Loss Drugs Linked to Pancreatitis

Have you ever noticed that all drug commercials are basically same? The words might change. But in the end, all of them portray happy people and happy families. TV ads for GLP-1 agonists are some of the worst. These are those drugs you see advertised on TV to support weight loss and help manage blood […]

When Your Feet Feel Like They are On Fire

People don’t comprehend the absolute unremitting pain of peripheral neuropathy. It begins with tingling in the feet, then moves on to a feeling of “pins and needles” or burning sensations like your feet are on fire. It can even feel as if you’re walking on clouds – like your feet aren’t touching the floor – […]

Your Best Defense Against Catching a Viral Infection

On December 14, 2023 the CDC announced that Flu and Covid cases had not yet reached their peaks this season. And sure enough, virus activity was on the rise during the last week of December. So we can expect to see this trend continue into January, maybe even February. Your best defense against these types […]

Would You Like a Side of Glyphosate with That?

Are you still sold on the idea that whole wheat breads, cereals and pastas are your best sources of fiber and the answer to good health? I’m not. And I’ll bet your reaction this statement is the same as many of my patients. “What the heck, Doc,” they say. “Our ancestors ate grains all the […]

One of the Most Overlooked Causes of Low Energy

When I was in medical school, my classmates and I were all taught about Addison’s disease. That’s when the adrenal glands literally fail. We also learned about Cushing’s, a disease that occurs when you have too much cortisol and other hormones. But the idea of adrenal fatigue itself was never a topic. And to this […]

The Safest Water on Earth

To be honest, the safest water on the planet is probably found high in the Himalayan mountains — where glaciers are slowly melting away. This water is crisp, clean, and untainted by any human chemicals. But any natural water source that flows downhill will pick up toxins along the way.

Feed Your Eyes for Life-Long Vision

Losing your eyesight is no joke. It’s the fastest way to lose independence as you age… you’ll lose your driver’s license… have trouble getting around… things that were once easy will become a struggle. And one of the most devastating eye conditions today is age-related macular degeneration, or AMD. It’s the leading cause of blindness […]

Jet Lag? Eat a Hearty Breakfast to Reset Your Time Zone.

Well, it’s that time of year again. People are packing their bags and getting ready to hop on a flight to visit family and friends for the Christmas holiday.  According to a survey conducted by The Vacationeer, a travel website, approximately 50% of U.S. adults are expected to travel for the holiday this year. So, […]

Is It Cognitive Decline or Just Forgetfulness?

In many cases, small lapses in memory don’t mean a lot.  After all, most of us have experienced occasional memory blips throughout our lives. From the youngest to the oldest of adults, we’ve all lost a remote control, missed a scheduled appointment or two, and forgotten to return any number of phone calls. And who […]

Holiday Secret: Mistletoe Kills Cancer Cells

Now that the holidays are in full swing, I’ll bet you’ll find yourself under a sprig of mistletoe a time or two over the next couple of weeks. You might even get a few pecks on the cheek. But mistletoe isn’t just for kissing. It also shows great hope as a powerful weapon in the […]

The Startling Truth About Heartburn Meds

If you suffer from heartburn, acid reflux or other digestive complaints, it is incredibly easy to take an antacid drug in the hopes of gaining some relief. But if you start relying on these medications to consistently ease your symptoms, you could be making one of the biggest mistakes of your life. In recent years, […]

Secrets to a Happy and Healthy Retirement

I’m past the traditional age of retirement. But I don’t see myself stopping work anytime soon. I just enjoy talking with people about functional medicine too much. I love seeing my patients. And I take a great deal of pleasure attending training and educational opportunities – especially when I’m invited as a keynote speaker. Plus, […]

Are Hidden Gut Problems Making Your Arthritis and Joint Pain Worse?

I recently had a patient diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). She had joint pain and swelling in the fingers, wrists, elbows, shoulders, knees, ankles; everywhere! When she came to see me, we did a comprehensive digestive stool analysis. This is a stool test that looks at a lot of things. This includes markers of digestion, […]

Sure-Fire Ways to Reclaim Your Manhood

Just a few days ago I informed you about the way low estrogen is a major cause of sexual health issues in postmenopausal women. Today, I would like to talk about estrogen from a male perspective. As we men age, two hormonal changes of great consequence happen; testosterone levels decline and estrogen levels go up. […]

MUST SHARE! Women’s Sexual Health Issues are Just as Important as Men’s

When it comes to sexual health, we men are prone to experience problems with erectile dysfunction. Still, it seems to me that aging women have it a lot worse. First, they have to suffer through the hot flashes and night sweats associated with menopause. This goes on for an average of about seven years, but […]

Holiday Drinking: Let’s Keep it Safe!

The holiday season is here, and over the next several weeks you’ll be invited to any number of gatherings. Chances are good that alcohol will be flowing pretty freely at these events. So even if you don’t normally indulge, you’ll probably find yourself with a drink in your hand on more than one occasion. The […]

Could This Be the Leading Cause of Obesity in the US?

Back in the 1960’s, obesity wasn’t much of a concern. It wasn’t even really an issue. After all, only a small portion of U.S. adults – about 13 out of every hundred – were dealing with extreme weight issues. Today it’s an entirely different story. Around 43 out of every hundred adults are obese. Add […]

Is High Blood Pressure Messing with Your Brain?

You already know that uncontrolled high blood pressure is bad for your heart. It creates microscopic tears in the walls of your arteries. These tears eventually turn into rough scar tissue where sticky fats, plaques and cholesterol tend to accumulate. This, in turn, leads to blockages, narrowing of the arteries and arterial stiffness. Once this […]

Drop Pounds, Build Muscle, Boost Energy and Stimulate Anti-Aging Genes

Dieters often cringe at the mention of calorie restriction. And there is a reason why. Most of them have already gone through the torture of nearly starving themselves for a few days, weeks or longer. They even got excited when they lost a few pounds. Then, one of two things happened.

4 Causes of Elbow Pain (And what to do about it!)

When people come into my office with unexplained aches, pains or numbness in one elbow or another, they often describe their condition as “tennis elbow.” And in many cases, they’ve looked this term up on the internet to set their own treatment schedule, only to find that it’s not working. The reason is pretty simple. […]

Why A Good Night’s Sleep Is Critical During Flu Season

Allowing your immune system to get rundown during flu season is like issuing an invitation for the flu to take up residence in your body. Now, there are many reasons your immune function may be working sluggishly. Spending all your time indoors and a lack of physical activity are both linked with lowered immune function. […]

Nobody Thinks This Will Ever Happen to Them… Then it Hits Like a Ton of Bricks

In the October 16, 2023 issue of Advanced Natural Wellness you learned the warning signs of a heart attack or impending cardiac arrest. But how do you tell these apart from a stroke? Well, there are a lot of misconceptions about strokes. Many people believe they are very similar to a cardiac event. While both […]

Discover the Power of Functional Medicine

My new patients are often surprised when I don’t approach their health concerns in the way they expect. For instance, I once had a 50-year-old woman visit my office with awful joint pain. She was morbidly obese with pain in her fingers, knuckles, wrists, shoulders, knees and hips. A bone scan ordered by her conventional […]

Cardiac Arrest Warning Signs Differ Between Men and Women

Pretty much everyone knows that if an artery gets clogged it can trigger a heart attack. What many people may not realize is that heart attack symptoms often differ between men and women. Sure, classic symptoms such as chest pain are common in both sexes. But women are much more likely to have less common […]

A Spicy Way to Tame Your Salt Cravings

Salt intake is quite a dilemma these days. On one hand, your body needs sodium to transmit nerve impulses, help your muscle’s function and maintain fluid balance. But when you get too much of it, it accumulates in the bloodstream where it attracts water. When this happens it increases blood pressure, which can damage your […]

How to Bridge the Nutritional Gaps in Your Diet

So many in the medical community have dismissed the use of supplements as a tool for better health. Their logic is about as simple as it gets: If you eat a healthy diet, you’ll get all of the nutrition you need. Well, a June 2023 study out of Oregon State University says just the opposite. […]

Men: Is the “Urge to Go” Destroying Your Bedroom Fun?

When men think of prostate problems, they immediately think of urinary difficulties. After all, that’s what we all hear about… dribbling over the toilet in the middle of the night. Road trips postponed and ball games cut short because of the “urge to go.” But there’s another side of the story that is equally disturbing:

Lesser-Known Causes of High Blood Pressure

Everybody knows that a high sodium intake, excess weight and lack of physical activity are all bad for their blood pressure, right? It’s because we talk about these key contributors to hypertension all of the time. But what about the ones that we seldom hear about? For example, did you know that when you are […]

Music: Exercise Motivator or Relaxation Tool?

In the September 25, 2023 issue of Advanced Natural Wellness, I mentioned how much I love to put on some music and bop around the house while I’m doing chores. I do the same thing when I’m ready for some more purposeful physical activity. For example, I love listening to the Eurythmics “Sweet Dreams” when […]

A NEAT Way to Get More Active

Sometimes it seems like the older we get, the lazier we become. Instead of taking the stairs we are happy to ride the elevator – even if it’s going to take us longer. It’s easier to go through a drive-up window than get out of the car and walk indoors; or to drive the quarter […]

Supercharge Your Veggies!

Everybody needs to get nutrient rich vegetables in their diets. It doesn’t matter which dietary lifestyle you’re operating on. Whether it’s omnivorous, carnivorous, vegetarian or vegan, you still need to have your vegetables. So why not eat the ones that have the most nutritional value?   You see, some plant-based foods are more nutritionally dense […]

Warning: Low-Dose Aspirin Linked to Anemia

Everyone wants to protect their heart health, and taking low-dose aspirin sounds like an inexpensive way to do that. After all, what harm could come from taking an over-the-counter pill that was originally formulated for children? Well, the fact is that low-dose aspirin is so dangerous that, if a company attempted to bring it to […]

When Old Feet Get Cranky

Your feet are your body’s foundation. And they’re awesome. Believe it or not, each foot accounts for about 1.5% or less of your bodyweight. Yet they carry the entire weight of your body around for an entire lifetime. More than that, really. Because when you walk, the pressure on your heels and the front of […]

What Works to Ease Knee Pain, and What Doesn’t

If you suffer from knee osteoarthritis, there are a lot of common treatments that don’t work well, and an equally long list of alternative treatments that do. So today I’m going to make things extremely easy for you. First, we will take a look at what doesn’t work to ease knee pain. Then, I’ll clearly […]

Processed Meat, Rice and Refined Carbs Driving Up Type 2 Diabetes Rates

Type 2 diabetes is a real epidemic these days, and it comes with all sorts of health problems. It puts you at two to four times the chance of heart disease or a stroke. It affects your brain function, damages your nerves and causes kidney problems. The one thing many people don’t realize is that […]

Every-Day Mistakes that Sabotage Your Brain

Alzheimer’s disease and dementia are top concerns for my aging patients. Many of them lost one or both of their parents to the disease. Some have lost a grandparent or two to it. If you’ve experienced this type of loss, you might feel like you have a target on your back… that you’re next in […]

Little Known Heart Threats You May Not Know About

I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables to support my heart health. In fact, one of my favorite kinds of green smoothies is filled to the brim with fruits and vegetables. I start with some honey and nut milk followed by a generous bunch of dark-leafy green vegetables like spinach or romaine. Then, I’ll […]

Today’s Most Important (and Least Understood!) Supplement

Everyone “gets” the idea of taking a multi-vitamin, minerals and many other supplements to help offset nutritional deficits. But what about CoQ10? CoQ10 is one of those nutrients everyone over the age of 40 needs more of. It’s also one that’s least understood by most folks. It’s not a vitamin. It’s not a mineral. So […]

3 Common Health Threats that Come with Age

It seems like every new decade comes with its own set of health issues. When I turned 30, I got out of bed and my ankles cracked. When I turned 40, my knees cracked. And when I turned 50, my back cracked… By the time I turned 60, I just hid under my covers and […]

Is too much Nighttime Light Ruining Your Health?

One thing that drives me absolutely crazy is ambient light in my bedroom when I’m trying to sleep. I leave my phone in my office, cover up all of those blue, green and red lights from power strips and other equipment, and use black out shades on my windows. Otherwise, I can’t sleep at all. […]

Super Juice for Your Heart, Brain and Joints

I once had an 87-year-old patient who gave me his recipe for a drink he called “Blood.” Now, before you get too grossed out, let me explain… Yes, his bright red juice looked a lot like blood. But this name was appropriate for another reason. The superstar of his drink was beetroot juice – an […]

Gum Disease and Your Health, What’s the Connection?

I’ve been using a water pic for about the past three months. And on my most recent dental cleaning, the hygienist at my dentist’s office was amazed. I had no plaque! They wondered what I had been doing, and I explained that I had added the water pic to my daily dental routine. It acts […]

How To Beat the Extreme Summer Heat

All across the U.S. – from California to Louisiana and South Florida – record high temperatures are being broken. Not only that, but power grids are being stretched to their limits trying to keep millions of air-conditioners running. So the first order of business is to try and stay as cool as possible. If you’re […]

Is Age-Related Testosterone Loss Affecting Your Life?

By the time we men hit our 30s, our testosterone levels naturally start declining. But over the past several decades, testosterone levels in the U.S. have been dropping more quickly than they did 30 years ago.  Since the late 1980’s, average levels of testosterone in men dropped by one percent each year. So a 65-year-old […]

Too Much of This Makes You Look Old

We’ve always lived with blue light from the sun. Now we’re getting it from our electronic screens too. So we’re exposed to a lot more blue light than we used be. And it’s crazy how much time people are spending on their phones these days! Depending on which poll you read, people are averaging anywhere […]

Most People With Kidney Problems Don’t Even Know It!

People have so many health concerns as they age. They worry about their hearts, memory, eyesight, weight and so much more. But when is the last time you wondered how your kidneys were doing? You really want to keep these 5 inch long bean shaped filters of your blood as happy as they can be. […]

How We Evolved to Stay Active in Old Age

We’ve been raised with the idea that, when we reach a certain age, we should retire. Just slow down and live the good life. I think this is a problem. We’re already less active than we should be, simply due to the fact that while we know we need to be active, advances in  everything […]

Shut Down the Genes that Cause Disease

“Should I have my DNA tested to see what diseases I’m at risk for?” This is a question I hear more and more often these days. And I understand the appeal. It’s human nature to want to know as much about ourselves as possible. DNA testing is a great way to get some of those […]

What Is Uric Acid and Why Is It Important?

You probably know your cholesterol and triglyceride levels by heart. It’s just as likely you can recite your blood sugar and blood pressure numbers when asked.      But do you have any idea what your uric acid level is? Probably not. In fact, there’s a good chance you don’t even know what uric acid is. That’s […]

Sunglasses: Not Just For Style

Every time I get into my car, I always reach for my little glove compartment right away. I stash my regular glasses and slip on my sunglasses. Then, I’m ready to roll. Even if it’s a cloudy day, these sunglasses stay on until the sun disappears below the horizon. Just like applying sunscreen, wearing your […]

The Health Halo: How Marketing Claims Mislead You

In these days of health consciousness, food and beverage manufacturers will go to great lengths to convince you that their products will make your life healthier. You see it every time you go to the store. Marketers place starbursts on their products claiming they are sugar free, low fat, reduced sodium, cholesterol free, gluten free […]

Is Metal Toxicity Behind Your Mystery Illness?

A few years ago, my 35-year-old neighbor collapsed in his driveway taking the trash out. He was immediately rushed to the hospital where the medical staff performed a full work-up on him. One diagnostic test after another was carried out. Finally they gave him the good news… There was nothing wrong with him. He could […]

Muscle: It’s More than Strength and Movement

There’s no doubt about it. As we humans grow older, we tend to lose muscle strength. The medical term for it is sarcopenia. It’s sort of like osteoporosis of the muscles. Whereas osteoporosis is a condition where the skeleton loses bone mass and quality, sarcopenia is a disorder that results in the loss of muscle […]

What do earlobes and arteries have in common

My father, brothers, and uncles all suffered from heart attacks. They also all had one strange physical sign – creased earlobes! Believe it or not, this is a warning sign that your arteries may be at increased risk for clogging – and there are well over 50 studies to prove it. (Look for a crease […]

The “Oh So Sweet” Side of Honey

Did you know that when 3,000-year-old honey was discovered in King Tut’s tomb in 1922, the honey was still good? Honey is one of those rare foods that never spoil. This has to do with a combination of an acidic PH and low water content that creates an environment that kills off pretty much any […]

The Best Seafood to Reduce Mercury Exposure

Every now and then I run across a patient who won’t eat fish. It’s not because they don’t like it. It’s because they’ve read one too many scary stories about mercury poisoning. I get it. And I agree that all heavy metals, not just mercury, are a problem in today’s society. However, this may be […]

Two Food Sensitivities that Contribute to IBS

Irritable bowel syndrome isn’t considered a disease. Yet it is the gastrointestinal complaint most frequently diagnosed by medical professionals. But most physicians don’t know what to do about it. There isn’t a pill you can take to cure it. In the meantime, the gas, bloating, pain and bowel issues associated with IBS can be excruciating, […]

This Isn’t Your Ancestors’ Food

Overeating is built into our genes. It comes from the days when our ancestors experienced long periods of famine. Once food became available again, they didn’t just take five bites of it and say “Oh, I’m full. I’ll save the rest for leftovers tomorrow.” No way! They kept on eating… as much as they could […]

To Nap or Not to Nap?

A few years after I entered medical school my life was turned upside down. I went from being a nine-to-five clinical pharmacist to becoming an acutely sleep deprived medical student in a heartbeat. It wasn’t easy. I clearly remember hitting my third year of med school. That’s when those long, punishing hours of clinical rotations […]

Does Cranberry Juice Really Help with UTIs?

If you get a urinary tract infection (UTI), the first piece of advice you’ll get from just about everybody you know is to drink cranberry juice. But does cranberry juice really help with UTIs? Or is it just an old wives’ tale? Before I answer that question, it’s important to understand UTIs. In a nutshell, […]

Are Avocados Part of the Mediterranean Diet?

Of all the diets out there, the Mediterranean style of eating is the one I think is the most beneficial to your health. This way of eating is loaded with antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables of all colors of the rainbow. Plus, the nuts, olive oil and fish consumed in this type of diet are all […]

What Poor Sleep Habits Mean for Your Lung Health

Many people think of asthma as something that develops at a young age. But it can actually emerge at any age. People can even develop asthma symptoms for the first time when they are in their 60s, 70s and 80s. Interestingly, new research published in the open access journal BMJ Open Respiratory Research shows people […]

Forgotten Minerals for Your Heart, Brain and More

In the world of health supplements, minerals are boring. They aren’t new and exciting anti-aging discoveries that everyone wants to get their hands on. Instead, they’ve been forgotten. Unless it’s calcium for bones, nobody really thinks about them anymore. But that doesn’t mean they aren’t vital to your good health.

Make Grilled Meat Healthy Again

With the arrival of summer next month, grilling season will be ramping up in many parts of the country. (Down here in South Florida, it never ends!) I’ve enjoyed grilled steaks, ribs and chicken. They are even better when eaten outdoors surrounded by friends, family and neighbors. But they come with a problem.

6 Surprisingly Tasty Fermented Foods

I drink kombucha every night. It’s a fizzy, tangy, and sometimes sweet drink. And it’s delicious. But one of my favorite things about kombucha is that it’s filled with gut-friendly pre and probiotics that keep my gut microbiome ticking along at full speed, as well as digestive enzymes to support my own digestion. It’s one […]

Psychobiotics and Your Mental Health

The two most common mental health disorders in the U.S. are depression and anxiety. Millions of people experience the persistent feelings of sadness, apprehension and dread that come with these mental health issues. While genetics may influence mental health, it’s lifestyle choices that matter the most – your diet, physical activity levels, sleep habits and […]

Change Your Life with these Spicy Foods

There is a misconception about hot and spicy foods. Some people think they’re dangerous – that they’ll actually burn the linings of the esophagus and stomach. For years it was believed foods like hot peppers and curry were the culprits behind ulcers. A lot of folks still hold to this line of thinking. I run […]

Incredible and Edible Medicinal Mushrooms

Mushrooms are a staple in my kitchen. I toss them in my omelets and frittatas, put them in soups, stews and stir fries, add them to salads and veggie wraps, and use them as a topping on meats and fish. As it turns out, I’m the “odd man out.” The average American only eats about […]

What is Your Favorite Fruit’s Super Power?

Fresh organic blueberries are, by far, one of my favorite snacks. And it’s interesting because, as small as these berries are, you wouldn’t think they would pack much of a punch. But I’m getting a plethora of health benefits every time I pop one in my mouth. Blueberries are jam-packed with a potent class of […]

The Italian Food Secret

My first trip to Italy was a real eye opener. And I want to tell you all about it. But first, I have a question for you. What is your favorite Italian food? Is it pasta smothered in tomato sauce, meatballs, sausage and cheese? How about chicken parmesan? Do you love it?

The Unintended Consequences of “Safe” Sugar Substitutes

I’ve always been vocal about the many ways the makers of artificial sweeteners have tried to pull the wool over our eyes. They are all bad for you, but some of the worst are Truvia and Splenda Naturals Stevia Sweetener. It started when Truvia was launched about 15 years ago. The company latched onto a […]

Make Your Veggies More Nutritious with this Simple Trick

There’s an interesting thing that happens when you mix certain plant-based foods together. In many cases, the nutritional power behind one or more of the foods gets super-charged. For example, when you mix vitamin-C rich foods with those that contain plant-based (non-heme) iron, the vitamin C breaks the iron down so your body can absorb […]

Constipation, Laxatives and Your Gut Microbiome

In 2019, American adults spent over 1.5 billion dollars on over-the-counter laxatives! Clearly, we are a nation of people with pooping problems. Otherwise, there wouldn’t be such a high demand for laxatives and stool softeners in our society. But constipation doesn’t happen for no reason. There is always an underlying cause, whether it is diet, […]

What Your Urine Says About Your Health

How often do you think about your urine? Most certainly when you HAVE TO PEE RIGHT NOW… and there are ten people ahead of you in the bathroom line. When that happens, pee is the ONLY thing you can think about. Urine is likely on your mind it if it hurts when you take a […]

The Secret Ingredient for Improved Physical Performance

Now that you’re lucky enough to be getting older, you might discover that when you go for a walk or take a ride on your bike, your body doesn’t respond the same way it did when you were younger. Maybe your muscles become more easily fatigued. You might lose your breath more quickly. Perhaps your […]

The Not So Sweet Side of Added Sugars

Not all sugars are the same. We have natural sugars, those that are found in fruits and vegetables. Then we have added sugars. These are the ones added to processed foods like juices, soft drinks, pastries, breakfast cereals and other packaged foods. Added sugars make up for most of our daily sugar intake, and they […]