How To Get Your Own “Curcumin Transformation”
New Critical Discovery Unlocks Curcumin’s REAL Power

By David Blyweiss, MD
Dear Health-Savvy Friend,
Curcumin — an extract of Turmeric — is one of the most researched nutrients in medical history
More than 11,567 studies published in dozens of peer-reviewed medical journals PROVE curcumin:
Yet many of my patients tell me they don’t notice any difference after taking curcumin supplements.
When they show me the bottle, I immediately know why.
Most commercial curcumin supplements have two problems:
Fortunately, I found a simple way to solve this problem forever...
I trademarked my own super-potent and highly-absorbable strain called Super Curcumin 95 ® , which I’ll tell you about in just a minute.
And I ramped up it’s age-reversing potential by adding three additional nutrients that multiply its power.
You see, I started my medical career as a hospital pharmacist at a major hospital in south Florida. That’s where I learned how nutrients, drugs, and medicines interact with each other...
And how to make them work together to solve big problems. Truth is, a well-made curcumin formula can do more than just relieve your discomfort, or strengthen your heart, brain, and memory... it can give you more quality time.
More quality time with your family... More quality time to enjoy retirement... And more quality time to travel and make memories.
How can I make that promise?
Today, I’ll show you the simple secret I discovered for staying younger longer...
Extending your "health span."
Your health span is what I call the time you can live without losing your powers of youth... Or worrying about your body falling apart.
My “Super Curcumin 95” May Lengthen
Your Health Span By 25%
Imagine being 75-years old, but having the mind and body you did when you were in your late 40s, early 50s?
That's what I'm talking about.
Getting the real potential from curcumin is the first step.
In this special report, I’ll show you how my exclusive, private curcumin formulation can change your life... in a BIG way.

Eric’s story is just one example of the transformations we’re seeing with this new curcumin breakthrough, but there are hundreds more. Real people, just like you, overcoming scary situations and making huge gains.
So why haven't you had YOUR curcumin transformation Yet?
Keep reading and I’ll show you how to get in on the greatest health discoveries of our time... A breakthrough PROVEN to give you life’s most precious gift: More time.
Here’s a hint.
All Your Biggest Health Concerns Have a Common Cause
A few years back, I got hit smack between the eyes by one of life’s cruel ironies:
Just when you’ve earned the wisdom to really appreciate the richness and beauty of life, your body starts to break down.
Everything speeds up and you feel like time is slipping through your fingers... Health concerns come out of nowhere and feel too big to conquer.
Truth is, your health concerns all have a common cause.
And when you fix this one thing, no problem is too big to overcome.
It’s about time someone let you in on this.
And I won’t blame you for feeling a little upset when you find out that modern medicine has either overlooked or ignored it.
My name is David Blyweiss, MD.
I discovered a HUGE, untapped resource for the health concerns Big Pharma has no answer for... A discovery that lets you...
Reverse the Root Cause of Tough-to-Solve Symptoms
Did you know chronic inflammation plays a major role in almost every tough-to-solve health issue?
It also causes pain and speeds up the aging process... Giving you that feeling you’re “falling apart.”
Even if you’re not aware of any symptoms, the odds are overwhelming that you have some form of inflammation quietly simmering away in your body right now.
If you have joint pain and stiffness… if you’re overweight...
Or even if you simply eat a modern American diet, it’s very likely that inflammation is damaging your body and your quality of life right now.
It’s a very serious threat to your long-term health and it shortens your health span.

Meet Dr. David Blyweiss
Leading a New Revolution in Natural Health Solutions
Dr. David Blyweiss was one of the first integrative MDs in the country, and a pioneer of functional medicine. But his career didn’t start off that way.
After going through a serious illness that included chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia, Dr. Blyweiss realized chronic diseases are not caused by a single problem, and that mainstream drug treatments consistently fail.
This was the turning point that led him to an integrative approach, combining the most effective elements of functional medicine, orthomolecular nutrition, and nutrigenomics.
And Dr. Blyweiss had some of the best teachers and mentors...
During medical school, he had the privilege of studying under two-time Nobel Prize winner Dr. Linus Pauling, the man who championed the use of high-dose vitamin C to reverse cancer.
As a result of his unique education and his own experience overcoming chronic disease, Dr. Blyweiss has a talent for finding natural solutions for tough medical problems.
Throughout his four-decade career, Dr. Blyweiss has worked with the World Health Organization (WHO) and travelled the world with teams of specialists to investigate new natural treatments.
He’s also the editor of Advanced Natural Wellness and runs a thriving medical practice in South Florida. Using his own experience and proven approach, he helps patients find solutions... even when nothing else helps.
Breakthrough Discovery at
Harvard Medical School
The key insight that inflammation is linked to so many chronic health issues comes from Harvard Medical School. Harvard researchers discovered that people with high levels of inflammation had a 400% greater risk of heart issues.
What’s more, their research showed that inflammation was a far better predictor of future heart issues than cholesterol levels or any of the other 12 risk factors they studied!
Since then, research has shown that chronic inflammation is closely linked to tough-to-solve health issues in virtually every part of your body.
Chronic inflammation speeds up the breakdown of cells and tissues. In fact, inflammation is so closely linked with the aging process and the shortening of your health span, researchers call it…

But here’s the great news: By reducing chronic inflammation you can help solve an entire range of health issues—even ones you’ve been suffering with for years!
In this Special Report, you’ll discover my inflammation-fighting formulation that does far more than any curcumin supplement you’ve ever tried.
My unique formula is based on three amazing “adaptogenic” nutrients. That means they naturally find issues and help your body “adapt” to fix the problem.
If a certain body system of yours is under active, these nutrients boost it. But if a body system is overactive, these nutrients help calm it.
When your systems are in balance your body works like it did when you were many years younger.

My patients who take these natural wonders tell me:
I searched for one natural formula that contained all of these clinically proven natural solutions, but I couldn’t find one. That’s why I partnered with UniScience Group to combine the world’s three best adaptogenic herbs in one comprehensive formula.
It’s called Curcumin Total Vitality.
Read on to discover not only the remarkable ingredients in this new formula but also the clinical research that supports this revolutionary new approach to health and longevity. It all starts with…

Supercharged Curcumin
The new scientific breakthrough that
makes other forms of turmeric and
curcumin obsolete
Curcumin is the key healing nutrient found in turmeric, a plant that has a 6,000-year track record in the medical tradition of India.
Raw turmeric is only about 3% curcumin. This is why curcumin extracts give you much higher levels of this vital healing compound than you can get from eating turmeric.
Curcumin is one of the world’s most thoroughly studied natural medicinal compounds. More than 10,500 medical studies have shown how it can renew, repair, and revitalize the human body.

The Trouble with Ordinary Curcumin
Curcumin is a large molecule. It’s poorly absorbed by the body and eliminated quickly. Very little of a standard curcumin supplement reaches your cells where it can help rejuvenate your body, relieve pain, and halt chronic inflammation.
That’s why I prescribe Super Curcumin 95® , a much more powerful and more absorbable form of curcumin. It gives you 32 times more curcumin than raw turmeric. Plus, it’s combined with a unique, patented delivery mechanism that boosts the bioavailability of curcumin by 2,000%!
Super Curcumin 95® doesn’t just treat your symptoms; it helps solve the root cause of many health issues. This is why curcumin is so effective. It can help you…

Turn OFF the “Master Switch of Aging and Pain”
Remarkably, curcumin can not only switch off inflammation if it’s too high, but it also supports a proper immune response in your body.
That’s because curcumin has a unique ability to positively influence many different inflammatory factors at the same time. These include NF-kB, the signaling protein that acts like a “master switch” to turn on a whole range of inflammatory reactions in your body.
But curcumin even goes beyond this. In fact, scientists have already shown that curcumin can...
Reverse Chronic Inflammation 45 DIFFERENT WAYS!
Curcumin can relieve an amazingly broad array of inflammatory processes. Standard pain-relievers (such as ibuprofen, aspirin, and acetaminophen) work on just a few of them—such as COX-2. But research published in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences shows that curcumin favorably influences 45 DIFFERENT INFLAMMATORY FACTORS! I never found any other substance, natural or man-made, that even comes close!
Does some type of health issue seem to run in your family? Then you should know that curcumin is one of the most powerful ways known to medical science to “switch on” healthy genes and “switch off” the unhealthy ones that cause chronic inflammation. This means...
Curcumin Pain-Relief Advantage:
Joint Pain Down 58%!
Numerous double-blind, placebo-controlled studies have shown remarkable improvements in pain, stiffness, and physical functioning. For example, a pilot medical study of people with joint pain showed that curcumin helped reduce pain and stiffness by an extraordinary 58%!

Spine, Shoulder, Hip, Knee, Hand Pain All Down Dramatically
In another medical study, people who suffered from joint pain and stiffness reported significant reductions in a wide variety of types of joint pain. Plus they enjoyed better ability to walk and a substantially better overall quality of life.
Why Your Joint Cartilage LOVES CURCUMIN!
Pain-free, flexible joints depend on healthy cartilage. Cartilage acts like a shock absorber, cushioning your bones and preventing them from grinding against each other painfully.
Chronic inflammation not only causes pain and stiffness, it devastates your joint cartilage. It actually blocks your body’s ability to repair your joints and make new joint cartilage.
Impressive research published in the journal Osteoarthritis Cartilage showed that curcumin actually stops the breakdown of joint cartilage caused by inflammation. By contrast, NSAIDS (such as ibuprofen) can actually harm the healing process.
That’s why with Curcumin Total Vitality you get an extremely safe, effective and drugfree approach to both relieve pain and help you maintain the long-term comfortable functioning of your joints.

Fast, Effective Relief Without Dangerous Side Effects
In contrast to other pain relievers, curcumin has no risky or unpredictable side effects that can upset your stomach or digestion. Curcumin is safe, even at doses up to 8,000 mg. a day.
Thanks to Curcumin Total Vitality, patients who tell me that “nearly every joint aches” now report that they are:
Curcumin Memory Advantage:
Revitalize Your Memory with “Miracle-GRO® for the Brain”

Finding it hard to remember details of conversations or to recall names of people you’ve known for years? Or would you just like to make your memory sharper and help ensure it stays sharp?
Then you should know that curcumin is one of the most exciting natural discoveries that scientists have ever made for brain and memory health.
Brain researchers have noticed that India has the world’s lowest rate of memory problems. In fact, people in India age 70–79 are 4.4 times less likely to have serious memory issues than Americans are. Many experts believe a key reason is that Indians eat turmeric (and curcumin) at almost every meal.
Helps Clear Away Brain “Plaque”
Brain scientists are raving about curcumin because it’s uniquely effective at cleansing the brain. It helps remove or neutralize free radicals, heavy metals, and “gunk” (called beta amyloid plaque) that may contribute to memory loss.
A study by researchers in the Department of Neurology at UCLA Medical School shows that curcumin helps clear away brain plaque by boosting special cells in your immune system that remove memory-robbing debris from the brain. So your memory stays sharper.
These benefits are why many researchers believe that curcumin is one of the best things you can possibly do to maintain your memory and support your brain health. In fact, some small studies have shown that curcumin can even help patients with severe cognitive decline see substantial improvements in just three months.
curcumin total vitality Will Help You Enjoy:
This natural breakthrough can help boost your brain today and ensure that memory loss and mental decline won’t be part of growing older for you.
Many of the symptoms we blame on aging are actually caused by poor blood flow. But when you maintain healthy blood flow your body can nourish all of your billions of cells, bringing vital oxygen and nutrients and removing waste products. This is critical for both the arteries that flow to your heart and brain and for the countless tiny capillaries that help you maintain your vision, wrinkle-free skin, and healthy hair.
Here’s just one example of curcumin’s artery opening power…

Curcumin Cardio Advantage:
Boosts Cardiovascular Health As Effectively As EXERCISING FOR 30 MINUTES THREE TIMES PER WEEK!
A remarkable study published recently in the journal Nutrition Research revealed that curcumin is as effective as 30 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise three times a week in improving the health and function of arteries. So if you don’t like exercise, or can’t seem to get around to it, curcumin’s ability to give you the same heart-health benefits of hitting the treadmill is big news!
Researchers have often joked that if they could put the benefits of exercise in a pill it would be one of the biggest blockbuster drugs ever created. This study shows that curcumin is the next best thing! Other research shows that curcumin can help you maintain:
Curcumin Total Health Advantage:
Solve Many Other Tough Health Problems
Because of curcumin’s amazing power as an anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, and overall rejuvenator, its health benefits extend to virtually every part of your body. Clinical research has shown how curcumin can also help you support and maintain:

Research-Proven Breakthrough Boosts Bioavailability by 2,000%!
Curcumin Total Vitality contains Super Curcumin 95, a much more powerful and more absorbable form of curcumin. We also added Bioperine,® an extract of Piper nigrum that is patented for its unique formulation. Double blind clinical studies show Bioperine helps your body absorb 2,000% more curcumin compared to curcumin without this technology! Plus you get…

32 TIMES Higher Potency
Many brands contain relatively little curcumin. Some give you only 33%–45%! By contrast, Curcumin Total Vitality gives you Super Curcumin 95, with 95% pure curcumin. This is up to 32 times greater concentration than in standard turmeric, which has only about 3% curcuminoids! Super Curcumin 95 gives you the highest concentration available anywhere.
Combine the 32 times higher curcumin levels with the 20 times higher bioavailability from the patented piperine extract and you get…
This means much more of curcumin’s amazing healing and revitalizing power reaches your cells where it does its unique work of making you feel great again. These innovations transform a wonderful healing food into what I believe is the single best thing you can take for your health.
But Curcumin Total Vitality gives you much more. You also get…

Natural Relief for Feeling “Tired and Wired”
Imagine, one natural herb clinically proven in double-blind, placebo-controlled medical studies to help people enjoy:
These amazing results were achieved by this next Total Vitality secret. It’s the herb ashwagandha.
Ever have those times when you feel exhausted, but still can’t rest? It’s an epidemic today. People feel both “tired and wired” at the same time. They drag during the day, but then can’t sleep well at night. They need caffeine and sugar to keep them going during the day and then need something to help them sleep at night.

In the medical tradition of India, people have revered ashwagandha for thousands of years. Today numerous double-blind, placebo controlled clinical studies have confirmed its unique ability to help people solve many different health issues.
Because it’s such a powerful, all-around revitalizer, ashwagandha is hailed as one of the top herbs in all of Ayurvedic medicine. Indian traditional medicine holds that taking the herb helps impart the “strength and vitality of a stallion” because of its many rejuvenating effects on the body.
Mayo Clinic Warns:
“Chronic stress can wreak havoc on your mind and body.”
As the famed Mayo Clinic notes, “The long-term activation of the stress-response system—and the subsequent overexposure to cortisol and other stress hormones—can disrupt almost all your body’s processes. This puts you at increased risk of numerous health problems…”
Up to 80% of all doctor’s visits are stress related, according to research published in JAMA, the Journal of the American Medical Association.
Stress Causes High-Speed Aging
Research by the University of California San Francisco showed how stress actually accelerates the aging process.
The researchers compared the genes of people under high stress with people under normal stress. At the genetic level it was as if the high-stress people had endured 10 years of additional aging, compared to the normal-stress group!
Your adrenal glands release stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. They marshal all of your body’s resources to protect you from danger.
These hormones can save your life —if you need to run away from an angry bear. But if your stress hormones are constantly overactive, they can cause one problem after another. This is because stress hormones cause your body to shut down other critical functions that help revitalize you, such as producing healthy new cells, healthy hair, or healthy new skin.

How Stress Wreaks Havoc on Your Most Crucial Hormones
When you’re under stress, the hormone cortisol can override the function of many of your body’s systems. It’s designed to raise your blood sugar, boost your blood pressure and channel your body’s functions so you have the strength and energy to fight or flee.
Here’s where ashwagandha comes to the rescue: It has a unique ability to help your body naturally correct any hormonal imbalances.
Instead of simply replacing hormones (such as taking thyroid hormones) ashwagandha helps balance your body with your own natural hormones. This is a far more effective approach for real long-term results for improving your energy, stamina, and memory and keeping you younger longer. By balancing and regulating the entire hypothalamicpituitary-adrenal axis, ashwagandha can help you:
From Anxiety and Stress to RELAXED, ALERT ALL-DAY ENERGY!
In other clinical research, ashwagandha was shown to help people:

And that’s not all. Curcumin Total Vitality also gives you…

The Viking Secret for Energy, Strength & Stamina
Your body’s energy level is critical to everything you do. It’s the foundation of your ability to stay active and independent. It powers your zest for life and your capacity to make a contribution. Abundant energy separates those who get out and enjoy life from those who just sit in their chair and watch life go by.
Your body’s energy level also powers your body’s ability to heal and regenerate itself, so you stay biologically younger.
That’s why this next herbal secret is so amazing. It literally helps your body generate more energy!
It’s called rhodiola. It’s a unique herb that grows at high altitudes in the arctic areas of Eastern Europe and Asia.

Ancient Healing Wisdom Now CONFIRMED IN 300 RESEARCH STUDIES!
For centuries, rhodiola was a “secret weapon” of the Vikings. They relied on it to increase their legendary endurance, physical strength, and stamina. It helped them survive long voyages across the North Sea in open boats in sub-freezing weather.
National Geographic magazine reports that Russian researchers have done extensive research on rhodiola noting its ability to improve work performance, relieve insomnia, reduce fatigue, and increase athletic endurance. Today, rhodiola is widely used in Russia and Scandinavia to fight fatigue, increase concentration, boost memory and enhance strength and overall vitality.
Like ashwagandha, rhodiola is an adaptogen. It helps your body create energy even when you’re under stress. This is why the Soviets gave rhodiola to their astronauts to help them perform optimally even though they’re dealing with intense danger, lack of sleep, and many other stresses of space travel on their bodies.

“Sharp Mind for Peak Performance” Says Ivy League M.D.
“Richard Brown, M.D., professor of psychiatry at Columbia University, says rhodiola has unique power to “enhance the healing properties of one’s own nervous system.”
“One of the great things about rhodiola is that it is both calming and stimulating,” Dr. Brown states. “Usually an herb or drug works only in one direction. Valium, for example, calms your brain but also makes it dull. Rhodiola, in contrast, calms the emotional system and yet is activating and energizing for the brain’s cognitive functions.”
“To have these two benefits at the same time is quite unusual in nature,” Dr. Brown adds. “Rhodiola gets rid of the stress that often interferes with concentration and focus, but leaves your mind sharp and able to perform at its peak. Once people become aware of this herb, it will be very popular.”

“THE MAGIC BULLET” for Relieving Fatigue
In her landmark book The Rhodiola Revolution, Dr. Patricia L. Gerbarg, MD, a graduate of Harvard Medical School and professor of psychiatry at New York Medical College says, “For any patient who has a problem with fatigue— almost regardless of the cause—rhodiola can be like the magic bullet. I’ve had cases of amazing recovery with rhodiola, a lot of [tough-to-solve] symptoms—loss of energy, loss of strength, their brain slows down—these will improve quickly and dramatically with rhodiola.”
A Unique Natural Solution for this HUMAN ENERGY CRISIS!
Thanks to this amazing herb you can increase the number, size, and the power output of these energy generators!
Rhodiola is shown to boost the function of your cells’ “power plants” in unique ways. First, it promotes higher levels of ATP and creatine phosphate in your mitochondria. This is the key to generating more energy at the cellular level!⁶⁶
The end result is more energy for everything you want to do. This isn’t just “borrowing” energy (as caffeine and other stimulants do) only to feel a “crash” later. Instead, it’s generating MORE energy for now and all day long!
You’ll enjoy calm, focused energy for making new cells and regenerating aging cells. The end result: A newer, younger-feeling, more energized YOU!

A “SUPERHERB” Hailed As the World’s “Single Most Beneficial Medicinal Plant”
Fox News health reporter Chris Kilham, best known as the “Medicine Hunter,” calls rhodiola the “single most beneficial medicinal plant in the world. If people will take an effective dose of real standardized rhodiola extract,” he reports, “they will experience an effect. They won’t say, ‘Gee, yeah, I think it’s doing something.’ They’ll experience something.”
50% Better Mood
A placebo-controlled study published in the Nordic Journal of Psychiatry showed that taking rhodiola significantly help reduce the symptoms of depression in persons diagnosed with it. Improvements ranged from 35% – 50%.
Research shows that rhodiola boosts levels of beneficial brain chemicals such as serotonin, dopamine and endorphins.70 It helps you stay alert and energized while remaining calm and focused as well!
The Rhodiola in Curcumin Total Vitality Will Help You:
Start Growing Biologically Younger Today
Could folks who are achy, fatigued, and mentally fuzzy suddenly enjoy pain-free joints, sharper memory, and abundant energy like they had many years ago?
For my patients who’ve tried Curcumin Total Vitality, the answer is a loud and unequivocal, YES!
People like you are now reimagining the possibilities of their senior years. They’re enjoying having energy to spare—even after a busy day. They’re planning trips and taking on new projects. They’re enjoying happier lives, having more fun, exercising, doing volunteer work, and sharing the joy with those they love.
So if you’re suffering from pain, fatigue, low energy, fuzzy thinking, poor memory… you’ve got to try this! The opportunity this revolutionary new approach offers to my patients brings joy to my heart. After all, to change peoples’ lives for the better like this is the reason I became a doctor. So I’m telling everyone I can reach about this natural breakthrough

Are You Ready for Life-Changing Results?
Curcumin Total Vitality is unlike any other health supplement you’ve ever tried. By enhancing and balancing your body’s key systems, it’s a total health tune-up like nothing else you’ve ever experienced.
Imagine, for less than the cost of one cup of coffee per day, you can be enjoying the real energy and revitalization that these amazing natural adaptogens offer for virtually all aspects of your life.
Only Curcumin Total Vitality Has This Unique “Dream Team” Formula:

There can be a big difference between the amount of a nutrient a supplement contains and how much of it your body actually absorbs. That’s why Curcumin Total Vitality also includes Bioperine®—a patented extract of black pepper that can dramatically improve the digestion and absorption of nutrients in your digestive tract.
It’s Time to Set Yourself Free
Now you can put an end to feeling achy, tired, sluggish, and mentally and physically exhausted. Get ready to embrace life on your terms. Stay active and independent. Be free to enjoy all your years with energy and zest for life.
Why Curcumin Total Vitality Works Where Other Remedies Fail
Unlike other formulas, only Curcumin Total Vitality offers you all this:
Curcumin Total Vitality Works for You—or it’s FREE
Prove it to yourself with a 90-day risk-free trial. Accept our special introductory offer and try Curcumin Total Vitality for yourself. If you’re not 100% delighted with the results, return the remaining product or empty bottles any time within the first 90 days and you’ll get a full refund— no questions asked!
Get 2 FREE Bottles and FREE SHIPPING When You Order Today

As part of our special introductory offer, the folks at UniScience Group will also send you 2 FREE bottles of Curcumin Total Vitality, PLUS your shipping for everything is also FREE when you order our BEST DEAL offer.
Find out for yourself why Curcumin Total Vitality is the secret for revitalizing your health and energy the way nature intended. It’s the exciting new solution my patients and I rely on. See the special introductory order form below and order today.
For your health

P.S. Get TWO BOTTLES FREE with our BEST DEAL offer! You’re still protected by our full 90-DAY TRIPLE GUARANTEE OF SATISFACTION. So you’ll enjoy huge savings while you try Curcumin Total Vitality entirely at our risk. You have nothing to lose except your nagging health symptoms, so why not give it a try today?

Balance and Revitalize Your Body’s Key
Systems for Health, Energy & Longevity
Satisfied Curcumin Users Say it Best…
I have less pain and inflammation
"I have less pain and inflammation. Started feeling improved results within 2 weeks. My issues have diminished … I used turmeric supplements purchased [in a store]. I believe your supplement is more effective. I used this to replace [another product] which provided some improvement and then that improvement reached a plateau. I think I got additional improvement with Curcumin Total Vitality."*
-Jerome S.,Pittsburgh, PA

I am exercising more and spending more time outside gardening
"I have more energy and better sleep plus my treadmill time seems to be less tiring! I started using Curcumin Total Vitality several months ago. And there was a definite difference after the first couple of weeks. I am exercising more and spending more time outside gardening. Curcumin Total Vitality is a great product."*
—Dale H., Melbourne, Florida
Fantastic improvement in joint flexibility and great reduction in joint pain!
"I have less pain and inflammation. Started feeling improved results within 2 weeks. My issues have diminished … I used turmeric supplements purchased [in a store]. I believe your supplement is more effective. I used this to replace [another product] which provided some improvement and then that improvement reached a plateau. I think I got additional improvement with Curcumin Total Vitality."*
-Jerome S.,Pittsburgh, PA
"I started feeling results after 3 weeks of daily use. I experience better walking and movement. Curcumin Total Vitality is better than other products I have tried."*
—Frank H., Plainview, New York
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*Results will vary. All testimonials in this report are from real people and reflect only their results.
Love Your Results or It’s FREE!

David Blyweiss, M.D
Curcumin Total Vitality is a revolutionary natural formula that will help you feel years younger and healthier. You’re covered by this unique, Triple Guarantee of Satisfaction. This revolutionary new product is guaranteed to help you:
Your 100% satisfaction is guaranteed…or it’s FREE!
Try Curcumin Total Vitality for 90 days with ABSOLUTELY ZERO RISK. At 90 days, if you’re not completely delighted with the results, just return your bottles, even empty ones, for a full and complete refund of your purchase price (minus any shipping and handling).
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That’s how sure we are that you’ll love Curcumin Total Vitality and its results. You risk nothing whatsoever, so order today!
Yours for good health,

P.S. Our 90-day Guarantee of Satisfaction lets you take advantage of our moneysaving Best Deal offer with absolutely zero risk. The same guarantee applies. Return any of the unused product (or empty bottles) within 90 days for a full refund of every penny of the purchase price* .
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*These testimonials represent the experiences of certain people. Individual results will vary.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
David Blyweiss, M.D. is compensated by UniScience Group for
his work in formulating and endorsing this product
UniScience Group, Inc. | PO Box 9515 | Lake Worth, FL 33466
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